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Q&A with Crystal Sunshine
The forty-nine year old, mum-of-two, rises through the ranks of OnlyFans and never looks back. Read on to learn more about how she unexpectedly found fame and success on the adult platform.
Q. You mentioned that you started creating content 🌶 at the age of 47.
What factors led you to take this action?
A. My daughter had started a page as a hobby to earn money for college and had a surprising amount of success with it! I mentioned that I wished I could do that, but thought I was too old and didn't have the body for it. She encouraged me and gave me the confidence to give it a try and I'm so glad I listened!
Q. Congratulations on the grand baby!👶🏼This must be a very exciting time for your family. How do you feel about upgrading to, in your own words, GILF?😂
A. I'm thrilled! I love being a mother and my daughter is going to make a fantastic mother as well. With doing OnlyFans, I'll have plenty of time to spend being a Grandma.
Q. Being an OnlyFans creator has helped you move past your complexes and self-image issues. This is incredible!
What else have you gained by entering this industry? Do you have any regrets?
A. In addition to the boost in self confidence, I've gained time, financial freedom and the energy to enjoy my life more.
Q. How does being in the top 0.46% on OnlyFans make you feel? 🥰
A. It's unbelievable! I feel like I've won the lottery sometimes. I never imagined I would be so successful.
Q. Which factors do you attribute this success to? What tips would you give to someone who wants to join the industry, but is unsure?
A. I treat it like a job and a hobby. I put in the time and effort, even when I don't feel like it, but I also enjoy what I do! If you hate it or you're not able to be self driven, don't do it. Don't lose motivation when you have a bad day. The most important thing though is to not let others bully you into doing things you're not comfortable with. Be true to yourself, be yourself and make yourself happy above all else. Otherwise you'll burn out fast.
Q. What are the pros and cons of working as a 🌶️ content creator?
A. Pros... Time, creative freedom, the ability to work remotely, money and empowerment!
Cons... No days off, the pressure to maintain and grow, keeping people interested, there's no "going home" from work so you're always thinking about it and then people say to you, "It must be nice not working!"
Q. Any tips/suggestions to creators🌶️✨ who are new to the industry?
A. Don't get discouraged because success takes time. If you treat it like just a hobby, it'll always be just a hobby. Value yourself and don't let anyone tell you your worth. Be yourself! People are there for you, not some fake persona. Lastly, have fun! If it's not fun, it'll show and nobody wants to see you looking sad!
Q. How has your experience been with us so far?
Great! It's nice to have some peace of mind, knowing that my content is being protected.
Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions!❤️